
5 Ways to Improve Your Website User Experience in 2023

Improve Your Website User Experience

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

This stands so true for a website’s first impression on the users. As companies shift to the online marketplace, it becomes important to showcase your business website in the best way possible. This is because website design plays an important role in the success of your business.

A well-made website holds the maximum potential to bring more customers and help you reap the results of your marketing efforts. If you offer a seamless experience to the users, they’ll trust you and come back to you again and again.

Moreover, a good UX encourages conversions, drives customers to your business and retains them. Many users don’t return to a website after a bad UX experience but don’t worry.

We will tell you 5 practical ways to improve your website user experience.


 Improve Your Website User Experience


There can be nothing worse than a website with a confusing navigation interface. So, make sure that your website displays the core places users can visit. There should be no unnecessary elements in a website as it can mislead users. They’ll bounce away from your site if they do not find what they’re looking for. As a result, they’ll turn towards your competitors that offer them a better experience navigating the website.    

You only get five to ten seconds to make a first impression on your site visitors, so you need to make the most out of it. Improve your website’s navigation and make the layout of your site as predictable as possible. You can also leave a lot of black space as it can bring attention to the important elements without creating a lot of clutter.  


With changing times, the way people access the internet has also changed. Most users browse the internet through mobile phones and tablets. More than half of internet users won’t return to a mobile site if they face trouble using it. A website unresponsive to mobile is rated as a top reason for visitors leaving a website. 

Therefore, your website must be optimized to fit small screens like mobile interfaces and tablets as well. Remember, the better the user interface design, the better browsing experience the users will have. It would further result in improved UX.  


Our attention span has decreased so much in modern times. Website visitors expect fast-loading web pages, or they’ll simply leave it. They will bounce away from your website if it takes more than three seconds to load. The loading speed not just affects the user experience on your website but also has an impact on your SEO rankings and conversion rate.    

We suggest you keep monitoring the loading speed of your website and mobile website regularly and optimize it if necessary. You’ll also find many online tools to test your website loading speed. Google also performs an analysis of your website’s speed and ranks it accordingly. You could use the same tool, Google PageSpeed Insights. to find and resolve the issues that slow down your website.  


CTAs are extremely important as they encourage the user to take the next step on the page. Once visitors land on your site, they will be able to smoothly navigate your website by following the commands given to them in the form of CTA.   

If you have a well-written, well-placed, and well-designed CTA in the form of a text, banner, button, or image, it will prompt the visitor to take the right action at the right moment on the right page. And when they do that, it means success for you. What turns clicks into customers is a great call to action. 

The call to action can be different for different websites. Some examples of CTAs are: 

  • Click here for further information 
  • Get in touch 
  • Download our brochure 
  • Sign up for a webinar 
  • Watch the video 

You can add any other call to action depending upon the products or services you offer. The more actionable your call-to-action is, the greater will be your conversions.    


There may be a few pages or links on your websites that aren’t working, and you may not be aware of them. Your visitors won’t tell you about these broken links. Set some time apart to check all the links on your website, look for the broken links and fix them so that your users don’t have to face any inconvenience.  

These links send out the wrong impression to your visitors and make them not trust the services you offer. It signals Google that your site is outdated. This is one among many of the UX web design tips that can improve the experience of your website visitors and provide value to them.  


If your website has low load times, bad navigation, and poor content structure, it gives a bad impression. This is why you should use the above-mentioned ways to improve your website user experience.

The better the user interface is, the more likely you are to turn a lead into a conversion. So, invest in a good web design services provider to improve UX, encourage conversion, and drive customers. Get in touch with us today to get the best web development company uk.